
Photo Diary VIII

Hi guys!
Finally am able to spare some time to blog *silent cheering*! So, this week is the final week of the first half of the second semester. Thank goodness it's finally here! A two week break of blogging and shopping sounds about right, wouldn't you agree?
I finalized my fashion magazines essay last night, and immediately after I pressed 'save', I jumped straight onto YouTube and searched for Australian beauty vloggers/gurus, whatever it is people call them. I find it comforting to find some inspiration from successful people who live in the same continent as me. It just gives more relation on what they talk about, plus, they provide some helpful tips on where to shop and conversions of certain products that are overseas. I managed to collect a handful of Australian beauty vloggers/gurus which I'm super excited about and can't wait to take the time to look into, but I spent most of my night watching Stilababe09's videos. She's so great and her videos are incredible! The girl's personality makes you feel comfortable and like you're practically a close friend. It's truly a good quality in a vlogger.
Anyway, I've had this post drafted for about two weeks now and am finally going to let you guys in. Be excited.

01. This magazine stack has actually grown so much higher in the past few weeks or so. I don't even keep it there anymore because it's at the foot of our bed and my boyfriend always manages to kick it off while he's sleeping and I absolutely hate it when my magazines end up all folded, haha. If you know me, you know I'm completely obsessed with magazines.
02 & 03. Honestly, I've never used this and have had this, probably since the beginning of the year, but my son managed to get his tiny little messy hands all over them and poked into a couple of the palettes, so that's why it's all messy now, but that's fine, it was about time I put it to use (I actually still haven't hahaha)
04. Nothing is better than getting into your warm bed, pile up a stack of magazines beside you, and flick through the glossy pages in silence, digesting your mind with inspiration.
05. Finally, a photo of the goodies I got from working at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival Sydney which, by the way, was the best week of my entire life, oh my god, how bad I want to go back!
Basically, I got a 'volunteers' gift bag filled with some leftover goodies from other shows + I kind of sneaked and snatched up this VIP goodie bag, hehe - came with a Mercedes-Benz USB!
06. My second day there, I decided to bring my own food instead of leaving the building and rushing to grab some food, so I brought a container of delicious fresh fruits and a bottle of water.
07. The contents of both goodie bags.
08. Seeing as the glare on the VIP goodie bag's contents was so horrible, here's a better look.
09. Bought these a while back for $7 a piece at a discount cosmetic store and am madly in love with both colours!
10. Borrowed some past magazines from my college's library. Can't believe I ever stopped buying these.
I figured they probably throw out the older magazines because they only keep two years worth, to keep it updated, and it makes me cringe knowing they probably just throw it out because honestly, I would take those pretty babies in in a heartbeat.
11. Chocolate cravings? Satisfied.
12. Babe made a collage on his laptop's desktop of us. I absolutely adore it! So cute!
13. Using two laptops to complete my fashion magazines essay? That's when you know I mean business.
14. My gorgeous god sister's 18th fashion themed birthday invite: a magazine, cuuuute! Lovelovelove it!

Oh, by the way, I got a trim on my hair, so if I post any outfit photos with long hair still, it's because they were in my draft and it really doesn't make much difference. You don't care about my hair, you care about the clothes and shoes, right? But don't worry, you'll all soon see how the haircut looks, hehe.

Enjoy! X


  1. the palette looks lovely :) xo


    1. It really is. I'm not sure if the quality is as great as the appearance but let's hope so considering it's too beautiful to be a let-down :')
