
Lusting for: Fashion Books

Hiya readers!
Fashion magazines, fashion blogs, fashion video blogs, fashion books?!
With digital aging alongside us, it's not hard to just buy an app or log onto the internet to find inspiration. Although, I prefer the classic freshness of a book. The smell of brand new pages, the bumpy dents the typed up words and stories people are waiting for us to lay our eyes on, it's a magical feeling for someone like me.
With that being said, there are no limits to the amount of fashion books on sale these days. If anything, I would agree with anyone that says they could possibly be getting better.
For me, having a hard-copy of words and photos I adore is an absolutely amazing feeling. I always dreamt that one day I'd be published, in any shape or form, and look, here I am, doing what I love! Hopefully, as a career.
Fashion books have different ways of directing you into your passion in fashion. There are books to work on your style, books to lead you into a career in the industry, books to tell a story of a fashion icon's life or their style, and so on. That's what fun about these books - they're full of information, and it's right there, in black and white words and coloured pictures.
These are a couple of books I just want to immediately get my hands on and they're all being sold on Amazon for the cheapest prices, BUT the conversion from American dollars to Australian is always all over the place, and with this amount of stuff, the shipping is crazy. I wish I could find these books here for cheap prices and in great condition! It's my goal for Christmas, to get my hands on all of these.

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