
Fashion Job Opportunity!

This is just a quick post about something very exciting and really important to me.
I, and two close fashionable girlies, received an email back from Miro Door about volunteering at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia. We registered a while back, when the applications first opened, and were so glad to finally hear back!
Basically, we have the opportunity to be volunteers at the event. Helping out with dressing models, assisting the head directors, working front house, etc.
We had to send in back an Availability form, listing our most preferred work times. Although it clashes with my time at TAFE, I honestly do not care, and would put aside a week just to volunteer and get experience in the industry! Classically, I put down anytime Monday through Thursday and then put Evening 3pm - 10pm on the last day, Friday. Only for the reasons that that day is my one day with Ethan, and I don't like giving up time with him, now that he's in daycare.
We were also asked for our t-shirt size AND if we're able to attend a conference briefing the day before the fabulous Fashion Week starts. Originally, I ticked that box so hard, you'd think it was going to fall off the page.
So, it's not confirmed that we've got the job, but it's basically on the tip of our fingers, waiting to fall into the palm of our hands.
Fingers crossed that we all get it!

*Clearly I'm so very excited. But my future cousin-in-law and I are very hopeful about this, so in our minds, we've got this down. Pity if we don't get it, but there's always another time. Pretty cool if we do get this though.

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