Happy Sunday!! I just got back home from a weekend getaway to Port Stephens with my boyfriend and our son for our ninth anniversary. We had the absolute best time, and guess what, we vlogged the entire trip. It was so much fun, and I'm so excited to edit it and post it up on our family YouTube channel soon. So, stay tuned!
Anyway, who knew that my first beauty post on the new and improved blog would be a prize pack I unknowingly entered and won? Definitely not me!
This post is most certainly not sponsored, but I am so excited to bring to you guys exclusive pics of essence cosmetics' spring trend collection which is actually now in all Target stores, so after you read this, head on out to your nearest Target and splurge splurge splurge, ladies!
If you know me personally, you'd know that I absolutely adore pastel colours. There's just something so beautiful and girly about pastel shades.
I was so excited to have been able to receive this prize pack because ever since I found out about the collection coming to Target stores, I sought out every single Target store in my district every day, but didn't manage to come across it. Luckily, I won the competition on their Facebook page because now I get to try out every beauty product from the collection!
Don't worry, I'm going to test them out, and the ones I absolutely love will go into my giveaway which is coming real soon.
So without further ado, essence cosmetics Spring Trend Collection: Brit-Tea ♡