Prepare yourselves for vomit-filled couple photos where you see 10 shots of us just blatantly making out - just kidding! No, you won't see any of that, but I am very excited to introduce another brand spankin' new feature on
Heart, Style & Grace called
His & Hers. This feature will include various photographs of mine and my man's outfits, once a month. Unlike other blogger boyfriends, my guy absolutely hates getting his picture taken, but he's chosen to co-operate and do this series with me purely out of love (and because he couldn't resist my puppy dog eyes.)
Relationships are hard work. It takes more than materialistic gifts and text messages at 2am in the morning to make a relationship last. It takes perseverance, understanding, patience and love. I know for a fact that Henry and I would never be where we are today if we didn't work for our relationship. We chose to never give up, and always directed our relationship to nothing but happiness. There were plenty of fights and a rives' worth of tears, but those moments shaped us and assisted in our growth as a couple.
So without further ado, we hope you enjoy this new feature, and we're excited to bring you more!
*And because this is a new feature and we had so much fun shooting, I've included two exclusive outtake shots where we were just dancing for no apparent reason*
Filled with love,
Danica xo