
OOTD: A Sunny Day in New York

Top: Intoxic
Bottom: Paper Scissors
Heels: Temt
Scarf: Temt
Bangle: Sportsgirl


OOTD: Boyfriend Jeans

Top: Temt
Bottoms: ICE
Outerwear: Ally
Shos: New Look

Hi lovelies!
Don't even get me started on what I should be doing right now. I'm not quite dreading it, I'm just too lazy to really do it. Fine, it's my essay about The Devil Wears Prada and it's a draft due on Wednesday/Thursday. I've started it but I'm hoping to finish it by tomorrow night.
Anyway, this outfit was from a kid's birthday party I attended on the weekend. I found these jeans while cleaning out my closet and was like, 'yep, keeping it!', and these flatforms were incredibly comfortable! Wearing them out in Summer more often, for sure!


Special: Winter Shopping Haul

Hi fellow shoppers!
Happy Friday, and...
Welcome to my 101st blog post, and my first every fashion video!
I accidentally missed my 100 post, so hello to my 101!
I'm so excited to show you all this, and a little nervous. But I'm proud of where I'm at and I'm sure you're going to really like this. I hope so anyway.
Aren't Winter sales wonderful?

The time has come.
Say hello to my Shopping Haul video:

Hi, my name's Danica, and I run breakfastwithd.blogspot.com: a fashion & beauty blog! This is my first ever fashion video, and I hope to do more! I'm 19, a student, and having an affair with fashion and blogging.
I always put my son first, so remember that before commenting on how I'm selfish.
When I filmed this video, the camera was in sunlight so you can see the floating lint, and it blurs out sometimes, sorry!
I also made an error saying I shop this big every two months, it's actually like, every 6 months, I just couldn't think on the spot.
Hope you enjoy! X


OOTD: Filming in Pink

Top: Temt
Shorts: Valleygirl
Shoes: (Borrowed, mom's)
Necklace: Birthday gift

Hey girlies!
I thought it was about time I'd given you an outfit post, so here we are.
I filmed my first ever fashion video today, it was, surprise surprise, a shopping haul video! I'm so inspired by Dulce Candy Tejeda and I looooove her videos, so I wanted to start my own videos. Not yet  YouTube channel, just videos on my blog.. It's still in the editing process so wait for that to be posted up tomorrow!
Anyway, this is what I wore in the video.